Hi! Hello! Let me introduce myself. My name is Taylor, but my friends and family call me “Tay Tay.” Hence, “Tay Tay’s Vegan.”
Welcome! I am glad that you’re here!
I started this blog back in 2020 during the pandemic because I was itching to create, and I was already cooking these delicious meals anyways. I just wanted a place where I could share my passions from the kitchen!
I wear a few different hats. I am a mother, an actress, a wife, and now a passionate vegan blogger!
My husband is Dimitry Elyashkevich. He is a wonderful cinematographer, so he takes the photos you see here on the blog. We also made two incredibly bright and beautiful children together. I am so very grateful for my family.
I have been an actress most of my life. You may have seen me on a few different TV shows such as “The Good Guys,” “In Plain Sight,” or most recently, “Snowfall.” I also have been in some fun and campy horror movies such as “Ghost of Goodnight Lane,” and “Humans vs. Zombies.” If you want to go see me on the TV, you can do that, or just stay here and check out my recipes!
There are many things that I love about being vegan- the kindness to animals, the environmental benefits, the physical benefits, but I think that my favorite thing has been being pushed to think outside the box when creating new recipes! Becoming vegan has opened up a whole new culinary world for me.
I have had to play around with so many new flavors and textures. I have learned so many new techniques. It’s been a really exciting and fun journey sort of re-learning how to cook.
Sharing my food and my recipes with others is one of the most beautiful and enjoyable things I feel that I can do with my life.
I think that many people may find eating vegan or cooking vegan to be a daunting task. I’m here to hopefully make it easy for everyone. I want everyone to feel confident and able in the kitchen, and also confident that they are feeding their bodies in a really good and kind way.
I am not a trained chef, just a really good home cook! I come from Texas, so a lot of my recipes are influenced by southern cuisine, Mexican food, and BBQ. I have, however, been living in Los Angeles for more than a decade, and I also spent some time in NY. So my taste in food varies greatly, and I am always staying curious to try new things!
To me, cooking is magic. You are taking ingredients and transforming them into a delicious dish. That delicious dish nourishes the body and comforts the soul.
You may note that I have not included calorie counting on my website. I believe that we as a culture need to turn inward and be aware of how our body feels and listen to what it needs. Also- I have spent years of my life on the hamster wheel that is calorie-counting, and I am not here to spread any more anxiety! Enjoy the food folks!
Again, welcome to my blog! Welcome to my kitchen. I hope that you enjoy these recipes.
Love, light, and many blessings to you and yours. xx
-Tay Tay